Going on a sailing trip for a longer period of time is a dream that we have cherished for a long time. One of the important conditions is, of course, to have a boat in perfect condition.
Since the purchase of Turadh in 2020, we have been making several longer trips in preparation.
In 2022 we sailed the English South Coast for 6 weeks and last year we discovered the English East Coast. During these trips, some things came up that could be improved and we also noted some “nice to haves” that would add to our comfort.
When we travel with Turadh, we try to stay in beautiful anchorages and make as little use of marinas as possible. To be able to maintain this “off the grid” lifestyle, we need sufficient power and storage capacity.
In 2022, we installed our first set of solar panels. This consisted of 2 cheap flexible solar panels of 100 watts each, glued to forex plates and with brackets mounted on the side. This installation allowed us to point the solar panels towards the sun, for maximum yield. We liked the setup, but the cheap flexible panels on the forex plates were not optimal.
In 2023 we upgraded to 2 rigid panels of 120 wat each, mounted with the same brackets. The yield and quality of these panels is significantly better.
As storage we initially had 2 lead acid batteries of 90 Ah each. During sunny days this was just enough, but on several days with clouds this was a bit narrow. In winter of 2024, we switched to 2 lithium batteries of 100 each. These have the advantage that they charge much faster and that they have 80% more usage capacity. So far we are very satisfied.
To improve our sleeping comfort, Linde made some custom mattress toppers, Ikea Hack Style. She also stitched matching sheets to size so our beds are like new again.
We had a very good Raymarine VHF radio, with an indoor and outdoor station. The device was 20 years old but worked like a charm. However, the IALA (INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARINE AIDS TO NAVIGATION AND LIGHTHOUSE AUTHORITIES) states in a new regulation that recreational craft must also be compliant with the new VDES (VHF digital exchange system) as from 2024. Usually this is just an update of the software, but of course our device is just too old and it couldn’t be updated. So we buy the latest model from Raymarine, hoping to at least be able to reuse our connection cables, but alas, this also turns out to be a vain hope. The result is a lot of effort, frustration and cursing to pull the new cables to the steering position.
In the summer of 2022, it had already become clear. Long sailing days in full sun without protection above the steering position were not always pleasant. This had to be better if we wanted to go south. So our first point on the list of upgrades became the bimini.
First idea, we do it ourselves. After a round of research through videos of Sailrite, sewing machines and pipe benders, we have come to the conclusion that we better put our own energy into other work and leave this project to a specialist. The result is impressive, thanks to Barbara Kabel from Colijnsplaat for the perfectly finished product.
Only concern, won’t the solar panels hanging along the side be too bothered by the shade? The future will tell.
Turadh’s rigging had also never been replaced and was therefore 20 years old. At first glance there was no real wear or damage, but with stands this is difficult to say because wear usually occurs in the non-inspectable areas. To be sure and to stay in order with the insurance, we had new rigging installed. A somewhat expensive but necessary investment, especially for our peace of mind.
Finally, Linde stitched a sailcover and a cover for the steering wheel, in matching colors with the bimini.
Under the “Nice to have” section, we bought ourselves a paddleboard (SUP) at the last minute. “This way we can do some sports while at anchor”. Lots of good intentions!
So, both the boat and the crew are ready to go. We will start at the end of next week. First trip will probably be to Ostend, where we want to visit “James Ensor, Inspired by Light”.
Stay tuned as we embark on this thrilling odyssey!